A state of elated bliss



I sat there for a long time, contemplating and seeking the calmness within.

I asked you to heal my broken pieces.

I asked you to give me the solitude that is necessary after each battle.

Let me cry. Remind me I am fragile, remind me that it’s okay to be weak sometimes.

Remind me the beautiful fragments of the past.

I am grateful that there is one place in this world who see my inner soul.

You feel my passion, you see my dreams, you feel my loneliness, you celebrate my joy.

With you I find my peace.

I find my strength.

With you I find myself again.







I will slowly trace your body with my warm wet lips

From your ears, while my tongue will gently sneak and roll down to your neck.

I will leave traces of my kisses while I slowly bite your shoulder.

I want you to feel my breath as I press my lips on every inch of your body.

I will lick you like a little girl enjoying my stick of lollipop; up and down with greed and lust.

I will kneel in front of you like you’re a god to worship.

I will beg you to give me your mercy to taste your luscious shaft.

And I promise to you;

You will see heaven on earth;

As you enter my holy throat.

Then you will master the art of gagging with pleasure.







I am not a stranger to the sweetest opium of ecstasy.

I have tasted the most delish shaft.

My holy throat becomes its dwelling, a holy place for its glory.

I am no stranger to lovers;

It made me moan

It made me beg;

It crucify my darkest fantasy;

It chained my nakedness;

and It took my breath away.

I am no stranger to lovers;

It made me deviant;

It spoiled me;

It made me imagine the impossible;

I am no stranger to lover like you;

It made me fall;

It made me dream;

It made me stumble;

  It made me cry;

 It made me regret.





Aren’t you Jealous?

Aren’t you jealous;

of the soft linen covering my nakedness?

Aren’t you jealous;

of the bed where I laid my bare skin?

Aren’t you jealous;

of the pillows that touches my thighs, kissing my body and holding me tight?

Aren’t you jealous;

of the night moaning looking at me vividly as I pleasure myself to reach orgasm as I think of you?

 I am jealous;

of the time

of the distance

between us.






The power of Dressing

Why I love to dress up?



Because it makes me feel good.



It gives me confidence.



It gives me a strong femininity.



It gives me freedom of expression.

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It gives me the power to conquer.



It shows me the colors beyond the naked eyes.



It gives me thrill and excitement.



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It gives me wonder and enchantment.



It gives me ticket to travel the world.



It is fantastic.

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I gives me glorious days.



It makes me treat myself like a Queen.



Dark room


 In this dark room,  in this fine linen touching my bare skin

A flash of light, as I slowly close my eyes an ember of your body

Like a soft charcoal shading my fantasy

The contact of your body burning my flesh like fire

A gentle, slightly touch of your lips

Rousing my longing on something I’ve wanted to happen.

My senses began to tremble on each subtle moves of your hand

I utter sounds only my soul understand

I am drowning on pleasure

Holding each breath

Feeling each motion of my hips

My body arch, I bite my lips

I moan with  sensual gratification

In this dark room

In this fine linen touching my bare skin

I have the most intense moment of the night.




Keep trying

I woke up today, turning the right side of the bed and I see the same blank space..still empty. I ask myself why am I alone?
A friend asked me,” aren’t you getting tired? ”
I have countless failures, I had frantic ruined nights, tears like berries fell down, loneliness is like a thief knocking on my door often. I’ve been broken into pieces many times.
So why am I still trying?
Because I know at the end it’s all worth it.

